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This is Why YOU CrossFit!

CrossFit Zone athlete out to see
Harrison on the ship after a 10km run!

In the video below (it is a little long, BUT WORTH IT) we are shown where CrossFit has been, where it is going and who has inspired our path to “forging elite fitness”. I don’t know about you, but I feel honored to be a part of the CrossFit community, and to have the opportunity to spend many mornings, afternoons, and evenings with such awesome, like-minded people. There’s something to be said, when you go to a gym where you can leave your cell phone, car keys, purses and other valuables in the back of the room and never have to worry if they will be there after your WOD!  Trust and respect are characteristics of all our clients, which is amazing to see.  CrossFit is not only teaching us all functional skills and exercises, but it is teaching all of us the importance of honesty, integrity, sincerity and loyalty. It’s great to see how people sometimes stick around to watch the following class kick off their WOD, and there is lots of mid WOD encouragement and post WOD congratulations. In supporting each other, we continue to grow and have built a wonderful friendship and CrossFit family!

“The Evolution” by Crossfit By Overload from crossfitoneworld.

Today’s Workout:

For Time:

  • 120 Pullups
  • 120 Pushups

You can complete them in as many rounds as needed and broken up between the exercises.


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