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Bangin’ Tunes

Do you like our WOD music?  If not, we don’t blame you!  Here at the Zone, we’ve realized that hearing the same old playlist over and over again can be tedious for the members.  It’s tedious for the Coaches, too! 😉 This is why we’re instigating some changes.

Starting immediately, we’d like to invite all our members to bring their personal iPods with them to class.  If the stereo hasn’t already been claimed by someone else’s iPod, feel free to hook yours up and share your tunes with us!  We can’t possibly cater to everyone’s individual musical tastes, so we figured the best way to solve that problem was to go straight to the source and put the power into your hands (or pods, as it were…).

Let’s start sharing, and kick the  musical vibe in the gym up a notch!

Important ** Please maintain consideration for the appropriateness of your musical choices, and try to keep any highly offensive material out of the class.  We are editing our current playlists and doing the same.  Thanks! **

Today’s Workout:

Buy In- 8ooM jog, then 15 shoulder dislocates and dynamic wrists stretches ( move wrists through full range of motion – hands forward, sideways, & backwards)


For time:
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (35/55)
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups (1 ab mat/head to floor)

Zone 3 – Scale handstand pushups: 2 ab mats / 1 ab mat

Zone 2 – Scale as needed

Zone 1 – Scale movements as needed with following reps:

35 Burpees
30 Sit-ups
25 Kettlebell swings
20 Pull-ups
15 Handstand push-ups

Cash Out – Stretch/ foam roll out shoulders, chest & back


Tuesday 7:30pm Aug 17th



  • Kipping Pull-ups
  • Glide swings/Kipping on P-bars/Bar ( Gymnastic version)
  • Cartwheels

WOD: (20) Body Curls, , (1 Min) L-Sit (20) Strict Pull-ups


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