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Energy Flow

Hey Gang,

The idea for this post came to me just tonight as I reflect upon visiting the end of the 530 class and beginning of the 630.  When I entered the gym I felt an almost tangible positive energy flow into my body (I know this is getting a little metaphysical, but hang on) and it was just such a great feeling that it immediately boosted my mood.

I think we all feel some sort of version of that in and around the Zone environment.  One peice of evidence in support of the positivity is that in the recent Zone Survey, almost 100% of you mentioned the community environment as one of the best aspects of our gym.

You may not feel that actual physical boost, but maybe you perk up just a bit when you see your friends before, during, and after the WOD and share stories of successes and challenges.

So in a roundabout way, that brings me to my question for this blog – which is:  where do you find positive energy in your life?  Any and all answers are good – they don’t have to be Zone or exercise related!

Share away (and get metaphysical if you like 😉


Today’s Workout

Buy-in:  Burpee Wallball and Double Under Practice – 10min

  • Give these moves a try as you get warmed up for the WOD
  • Also mix in some of the other movements to see what scaling works for you

WOD:  “Bob Loblaw”

This is a 25 minute AMRAP of:

  • 10 burpee wallballs
  • 15 kettlebell swings
  • 15 double unders
  • 10 double crunch
  • 10 lunges (in place, alternate legs – 5/leg)
  • 500m run
  • reps per round = 61 (run = 1 rep)

Zone 2 – scale kbs to 20-25/40-45, wallballs to 10/14, skips to single unders x 2

Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash-Out:  FTL Stretch


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