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Happy Cave Month

Come down to do your testing for the Cave Month today at the Zone.  Please come down at 12pm if you are able to!  We will get started with any measurements that need to be done first.

Remember to dress in workout clothes because you will be doing a workout 🙂

Rowing Seminar Reminder:

If you are planning on taking part of the Beginner seminar and have not paid, it will be first come first serve (payment wise) as we have already gone into the wait-list.  we have 17 people on the list and only 10 have paid.  Bring your money in today or you may not get in the seminar.

If you are planning on attending the Intermediate seminar, you must bring your money in today or the seminar may be cancelled.  We are still needing 2 more to register to run it!

Today`s Workout:

Buy In – Dynamic warmup with animal movements

WOD – “Kelly”

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 20/24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound ball

Zone 3 – You can do this with a partner and scale reps to 15 reps Box Jumps/15 Wall balls each

Zone 2 – Scale wall ball to 10/14lbs

Zone 1 – Scale to 3-4 rounds

Cash Out – MWOD 47

Test: Pull up
Mwod: 1 min each direction. 1 min x 5
Both arms for a total of 10 min of upper extremity suppleness.

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