The Christmas party is happening tonight. Time to dress to impress and head down to the Box at 7:00pm. We will have beer, wine, appetizers and lots of fun! Find a ride down and take a cab home with a complimentary cab voucher.
If you have not got your ticket yet, get one at class today or at the door.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – 3 position cleans
- Position 1 – high hang
- Position 2 – mid thigh
- Position 3 – ground
Start at position 1 taking reps working up in weight until you fail a rep, then move to position 2 working up in weight until you fail a rep and then move to position 3.
WOD – “Elizabeth” or “Partner Elizabeth”
Compare to August 8th
21-15-9 reps for time:
Clean 95/135lbs
Ring Dip
5 rounds of:
P1 – 10 Ring Dips
P2 – Squat cleans (95/135lbs)
Partner 1 starts with Ring Dips, Partner 2 does Squat Cleans until Partner 1 completes the 10 reps. Once completed, the partners switch exercises. When both partners have completed each exercise 5 times, you are done!
Zone 3 – scale to assisted ring dips
Zone 2 – scale clean weight as needed
Zone 1 – scale ring dips to regular pushups, scale wod as needed
Cash Out – Stretch out your traps from all the shrugging!