Look at those ladies GO!! Image courtesy of Cynergy CrossFit
Good luck to those of you who are competing in tomorrow’s Zone Games! For the rest of you, good luck with this Saturday WOD… 😉
Today’s Workout
Buy In – Snatch balance EMOTM for 10 min increase weight
* if you are wanting to use a rack, you may have to share and this will limit the amount of time you have to do the reps and change the weights each time.
WOD –“Man-Hands”
AMRAP in 15 min of:
- 100M farmer carry (25/45)
- 100M run back
Partner does DU’s while waiting
* The plates must be gripped on the ends
Zone 2 – scale plate weight as needed
Zone 1 – scale AMRAP time to 10-12 minutes
Cash Out – Group stretch, then enjoy the sun!