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Say What??

I came to the realization the other day that we use a ton of strange and seemingly nonsensical idioms in our language. Most especially when it comes to CrossFit! Think about it for a second… What are some of the common phrases you hear shouted out as encouragement or quoted as inspiration to make you work hard during a CrossFit workout? Here are a few phrases that immediately came to mind:

“Go hard, or go home.”
“Be a firebreather!”
“No pain, no gain.”
“Get some!!!”
“Man up!”
“Get on the bar!”
“Give it some gas!”
“Hit it hard.”
“You’re an animal!”
“Beast it out!”
“Suck it up!”
“Go Nuts!”
“It hurts so good!”
“Puke is just weakness leaving the body.”
“Fit as ***k.”
“Get Comfortable with uncomfortable!”

And of course, my favourite, “Go balls to the wall!” However, this hilariously confused German gentleman would tend to disagree… Have a look at this:

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Today`s Workout:

Buy In – Hang Power cleans 5 x 3 reps

WOD – “Cliff hanger”

3 rounds for time:

  • 8 1.5 pullups (video)
  • 50 double unders
  • Rest 1 minute

Choose a challenging option for this workout, think of the pullups as a strength component.

Zone 4: Scale to strict pull ups

Zone 3: Scale to kipping pull ups

Zone 2: scale pull ups using band

Zone 1: scale to single skips 3:1


Cash Out – MWOD – lat & calf mobility

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