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TC 10Km team

CrossFit Zone has entered a team for the TC 10K this year!  This race is a fun run for both seasoned runners and newbies.

Are you new to running and would like to make this your first 10km race? Join our Zone team! If this is something you want to do, please let Lisa Z or Billie Jane know – they are going to start a FB group for this event.  There will be weekly team runs leaving from the box. The weekly runs will go for 8 weeks and are FREE (This does not count as one of your weekly classes)!  Lisa and/or Billie Jane will be leading the runs. They are currently finalizing the training schedule.   Is there anyone in the Westshore that wants to lead the runs out there?  If so, please contact

If you would like to join the Zone team, simply go to the TC 10K website and register under “corporate team” (CrossFit Zone).  Join the Facebook event:

Please post to the comments if you are joining the team!

Open Gym (downtown)

  • 8:00am – 8:30am
  • 10:30am – 12:15pm
  • 1:15pm – 4:30pm

Workout of the Day:

Buy In – mobility

WOD“CFG Open 12.5″


7 min AMRAP of:
3 thrusters (65/100), 3 ctb pullups
6 thrusters, 6 pullups
9 thrusters, 9 pullups….
and so on, increasing by 3 reps each round until the time runs out

* Chest MUST touch the bar on the pullups for them to count
* Ear visible in front of the arms at top of thruster
* Full depth squat each rep on thrusters

Zone 4:  scale to regular pullups
Zone 3:  scale to 55/75lb thrusters
Zone 2:  scale to 45/65lb thrusters, assisted pullups
Zone 1:  scale as needed

Cash Out – 5 way shoulder stretch

Extra Credit: 5 rounds of:
5 Toes to bar (strict)
5 HSPU (strict)


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