We all know how much you guys love training. I see it in the smiles on your faces and undeniable excitement when you see things like 400m runs, burpees, thrusters, and wallball in the workouts… it’s impossible to hide it! All seriousness aside though, you guys DO like to train and you DO train hard.
CrossFit workouts done right are not just physically demanding but also emotionally and psychologically taxing. They are meant to be challenges that through your conquering of them, you gain strength of body and character. Sometimes we lose sight of that though and begin to work “through the motions” as opposed to putting forward our best effort on the day. The longer and more consistently you have been training, the more likely this is to happen. All of you have been training steadily and hard for the past few months and there have been weeks of incredibly difficult workouts.
The holiday season allows us some time to step back from the intensity and for our bodies and minds to rest and regenerate. The natural wonders that the colder weather brings (hopefully) open a whole new range of activity possibilities to us (skiing, snowshoeing, skating). Indoor options are also available, such as swimming, squash, climbing, and basketball.
CrossFit is all about being a well-rounded person, so take this time to try out different activities or some that you haven’t practiced in a while. It will be good for your body to experience different planes of motion and respond to different stimuli. It will also be good for your mind, allowing some distraction that through its difference refreshes your motivation and enjoyment of movement.
Be confident that your training inside our box transfers to a broad range of activities in the outside world. Rest, regenerate, enjoy the best of the season. You guys deserve it, and be assured that January will bring a new set of challenges for you to overcome.
All the best for the Holidays,
CrossFit Zone will be closed from the afternoon of December 24th 2009 – January 4th, 2010. We will be putting every athlete’s membership on hold for that period of time so that you don’t lose your sessions. We will re-open on Monday January 4th, 2010 with a new training schedule and new Apprentice coaches to enhance the great service that you receive at the Zone. If you need your membership on hold longer that January 4th, please email us to add an extension.
We will be posting WOD’s over the week suggesting active recovery ideas, so make sure to check the website daily!
Thursday, December 24th Classes
- 7:00am – 8:00am
- 9:30am – 10:30am
- 12:15pm – 1:15pm
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Review of what ‘Full Extension’ and ‘Full ROM’ means in the pullup and pushup. Then make sure you are nice and warm before the WOD begins with: 30 single skips, 15 double crunch, 20 single skips, 10 double crunch, 10 single skips, 5 double crunch.
WOD – Mash-it-up!
Round 1:
- Deadlift (135/185)
- Box Jumps (20/24)
Round 2:
- Kettlebell Swings (35/55)
- Pushups
Round 3:
- Push Jerk (65/95)
- Double unders
Alternate the following two exercises using Tabata interval’s timing for a total of 8 rounds of work. Score is the total number of reps. Rest 2 minutes between each round.
Zone 3: Scale DL to 95/135 and PJ to 55/75
Zone 2: Scale DL to 75/105; KB to 20/35; PJ to 45/55; sub single skips if neccessary
Zone 1: Scale all movements as needed
Cash Out – 100’s
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100 Day Burpee Challenge:
Burpees today: 21
Buy-in: 231