At Shrawan’s house!
Saturday, Dec. 1. 2012
Another chance for the Crossfit Zone gang to get to know a little about some wine. With Christmas coming, let’s try a few different bubbles and a grape that some know and many have not had, Malbec, typically South American, but now appears from all over the world!
Bring a bottle of one or the other in the $15-$20 price range wrapped in brown paper, so we can blind taste. When bringing bubbles they can be sparkling wine, prosecco or champagne ( if you can find a champagne in this price range – please bring it!)
If you want to bring two bottles, you can trade at the end of the night with someone else who brought two of their wine!No obligation, but if you can bring an appy or a block of your favourite cheese, then there will be some food to accompany. I will try and do some food too, to try and match what we will be drinking!
Would be great if you can RSVP, just to get an idea of numbers! I know it is a busy time of year.
~ Shrawan
When you RSVP to the event, you will be emailed the address if you have not been to his house.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Snatch technique
WOD – “Taranis 2012 Snatch complex ladder”
Unfortunately, we will not be able to do this workout with the same format as the competition, unless there are enough people in the class that want to do it RX and we are able to set up barbells. So in substitution of having to change the weights up in between sets, you will have an extra minute to do so.
E2M for Max 8 rounds complete:
3 Snatch grip Deadlifts
3 Snatches
3 Overhead Squats
RX – the bar starts at 65/95lbs and increases 10lbs each time
Zone 3 – increase the weight as needed
Zone 2 – keep the weight moderate and focus on technique
Zone 1 – scale as needed
This is scored by total reps achieved. You must start at 65/95lbs and increase by 10lbs each round to be RX. The fun part of the workout is, you can’t let go of the bar between the deadlifts and the first snatch. If you are going for RX and you do so, you must re-do the deadlifts.
Cash Out – 50 burpees for time