Gang, as is “somewhat” traditional in our programming, Saturday is a good team WOD to get the lungs and legs going. This wod is dedicated to Donald’s effort today in his 50 mile race. He is a great athlete and can push himself to great achievements but is also an awesome team member who never stops encouraging.
Let’s kick this wod’s butt then go watch Donald take on the big 50 at Elk and Beaver.
Run hard budday!
Today’s Workout:
Buy-in – Create teams of 4 then decide on team names – must be two words starting with “D” and “P” – haha that already is trouble!
WOD – “The Donald”
This is a 30 minute AMRAP designed to test your mental and physical strength. You may at any time take breaks in the stations or rest if you need to. If you usually do Zone 1-3 then think about scaling down a bit.
4 “stations” – highest total reps wins
- 200m run – this paces the rest of the group’s time interval
- wallball (14/20)
- rest
- burpees
Cash-out – go watch Donald!