Hello CrossFitters, Coaches, Trainers and Athletes!
Michelle here from CrossFit Renegade in Surrey BC. We are putting the word out to affiliates, coaches, trainers and athletes about our upcoming Snatch Clinic with Christine Girard! The Zone members are not going to want to miss out on this opportunity to work with Canadian record holder and Olympian Christine Girard. She brings over 16 years experience in the sport and is currently training for the 2012 Olympics in London where we anticipate she will be on the podium! Her coaching experience includes some of BC’s top lifters, too!
WHEN: Saturday September 10, 2011
TIME: 1:30pm – 4:00pm
WHERE: CrossFit Renegade, Unit 6 – 6468 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC
COST: $75 plus HST
This intense 2 1/2 hour training session will take your snatch to the next level. Christine will breakdown and instruct the lift, demonstrate it and then have all athletes work on the movement. You will improve your technique, efficiency and strength when she critiques and corrects you individually.
If you have questions or want to register, please email or call me at 604-376-4970. We look forward to seeing you here on September 10th!
~ Michelle
About Christine:
Born in Ontario and raised in Quebec, Christine Girard moved to BC in January 2010 to be with her husband, a RCMP officer posted here. She has an education degree specializing in math, but for now, her real job is preparing for the next Olympic Games as an Olympic Weightlifter.
Christine started the sport at the age of 10 and throughout her career she has competed at many World Championships, 3 Commonwealth Games, 2 Pan-Am Games as well as the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing where she placed 4th. She is a six time national champion and hold Canadian Records as well as Commonwealth Games and Pan-Am Games records. She is currently training hard for a spot on the podium in London 2012.
Christine is also a part time weightlifting coach. She makes individual training programs tailored to the athlete, technique analysis, nutrition and weight control advice and mental preparation for Olympic weightlifters, including some of the best athletes in BC.
Olympic Games
- 4th Place – 2008 Beijing
Commonwealth Games
- Bronze – 2002
- Silver – 2006 (set a new record for clean and jerk with 121kg in the 63kg weight class)
- Gold – 2010 (set two new records for the Games; snatch 105kg and total 235kg in the 69kg weight class)
Pan-Am Games
- Silver – 2007
- 8th – 2003
World Championships
- 7th – 2010 – 69kg class (best ranking in her career for this competition)
Competed in 4 Junior World Championships (from 2002 to 2005)
Competed in 5 Senior World Championships (2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010)
Special Notes: Christine holds the best performance by a Canadian Olympic Weightlifter in Olympic History. She also holds 6 national titles and has all of the national records in the 63kg weight class.
Michelle Fiddler, RHN
CrossFit Renegade
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 12 turkish get-ups (6 reps per arm)
5 rounds, 10 reps each of the following exercises:
- Deadlift (60-65% 1RM)
- Hard Pushups (ring, weighted, decline) or Ring Dips
- Inverted rows (perfect tech)
- 30s to complete 10 reps, 30 sec to switch to the next station
- Scale all exercises as needed in terms of difficulty
Zone 1 – scale movements as needed
Cash-Out: Foam roll: coach – led
- Cover all major muscle groups