How does your back feel? This wod was a one and done for most. What a great representation from everyone! Make sure to congratulate all the competitors when you see them at the box.
Top scores in the gym:
Individual Woman – Nicci with 143 reps
Individual Men – Lucas with 160 reps and Nick with 138 reps
Masters 40-44 Woman – Nicci with 143 reps
Masters 55-59 Woman – Stephanie with 142 reps
Masters 60+ Woman – Sandy with 102 reps
Masters 40-44 Men – Barry with 130 reps
Masters 45-49 Men – Greg with 136 reps
Team – 42nd
I am anticipating a longer metcon for 14.4 this week, so time to get some longer duration wods in to get the engine going! Competitors, watch the number of pushups you do if you are not used to higher volume reps.