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All about 2009

CrossFit Victoria BC - 2009
Looking back at '09

January – Found a home for CrossFit Zone at 613 Herald St. and had a painting party January 10-11th. We had about 15-20 people come out all weekend and help paint. I started running classes the following week with 11 athletes, a few dumbbells, kettlebells, skipping ropes and one set of rings.

February – Booking new client intros all over the place. No idea where all these people were coming from. It must be true “If you build it, they will come.” We increased our membership base to 25 athletes. We received our new flooring and first shipment of bars, bumpers, rowers and more dumbbells.

March – We held a baseline for Helen, our first benchmark challenge.

April – We headed off to Huntington Beach to get KDF and Bones certed. Jer built our monkey bar set!!!

May – The Helen Challenge finals were held with great improvements from all the athletes. We held our Grand Opening workout and party. It was the most people that we have every packed in the box. There were about 50 people throughout the day. We ran 3 heats of Fran. Turts came out and this is when he realized this is where he belonged 🙂  Just when you don’t think the month can get better, I get an email from Rob and Donald looking for sponsorship and training for their 300km adventure. You guys really changed my life and are an amazing asset to the Zone family. THANK YOU!!!!

June – Our membership base increased to 42 athletes, the Zone community and family really started to build. We had our first charity fundraiser workout raising money for BBBS Victoria. A Channel news came out to a workout, to do a piece on Rob and Donald’s ultra marathon adventure. And we could not forget Bones turned 30 and we held a surprise “dirty thirty” wod at the gym for her.

July – Lots of fun summer activities at the Zone. CrossFit Zone hosted a camping trip up at Cowichan Lake and a BBQ at the gym. We also held 2 gymnastics seminars put on by Sean Lind.

August – First CrossFit Zone couple got married! Congrats Colleen and Sean. We love you guys 🙂  I was able to take a week off and head to Vegas to visit family and the gym did not fall apart, thanks to the amazing team that I have. Thanks gang! We got our shipment of new bumpers!!!!

September – Held our first Fight Gone Bad Challenge with 6 teams raising just under $2000

October – Rob and Donald ran 300km in 7 days raising money and awareness for BBBS Victoria with the support of the Zoners!

November – Held our second Fight Gone Bad Challenge with 9 teams collecting food, clothes and toys for families in need. We held our second benchmark workout challenge baseline for Nancy.

December – Six CrossFit Zone athletes / coaches competed in the BC CrossFit Winter Games and all placed very well! We wrapped up the year with a Christmas Party at the Bard and Banker with about 30-40 members attending. We gave out lots of fun prizes and certificates for member milestones over the year. We wrapped this year up with just over 100 members!

All in all this has been an amazing year for the Zone. There have been so many firsts and accomplishments with each and everyone one of our members and we are so proud of you. There are too many to recognize on this post. Thanks to everyone for making this an unforgettable year. Cheers to the New Year and the continual growth of our amazing community.

If there is anything that I missed, please add it to the comments.


Angry Kitten

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – 3 rounds (NFT): 50 skips, 15 kb swings, 10 pushups

WOD – New Year Tests!

It’s time to see where you’re at for the start of 2010.  We’ll be testing a few things this week to get a baseline from which to improve through the year.

1.  Power – Standing Broad Jump:  3 attempts for max distance, record your best in metres

2.  Strength – 1RM Shoulder Press:  4 attempts at a max shoulder press, record your best in lb.

3.  Muscular Endurance – Max Pullups: 1-2 attempts (record reps and band color if you used one)

4.  Anaerobic Power – 500m row:  1 attempt to get your best time

Cash Out – Record your scores in!!!

100 Day Burpee Challenge:

Burpees today: 35

Buy-in: 630


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