Come and join us as we send off our Zone Athletes in Style! Mama Lee and Mama C have organized a party at Sierra Park in Gordon head for all our Zoners to come out and enjoy!
Where: Outdoor at Sierra Park
Driving directions from The Zone to Sierra Park:
- Head west on Pembroke St toward Douglas St/Trans-Canada Hwy/BC-1 S
- Turn right onto Douglas St/Trans-Canada Hwy/BC-1 N
- Turn right onto Bay St
- Keep left at the fork in the road
- Turn left onto Blanshard St/Patricia Bay Hwy/BC-17 N
- Turn right onto Finlayson St
- Turn left onto Cedar Hill Rd
- Turn right onto McKenzie Ave
- Take the 1st left onto Shelbourne St
- Turn right onto Feltham Rd
- Turn left onto Tyndall Ave
- Turn right onto San Juan Ave – Destination will be on the right
When: Sunday, April 22nd, 2:00 p.m.
What: Potluck and sign-making party!
If it isn’t such a beautiful day, weather-wise, we will hold this party at the Zone. Please bring a potluck item, as well as your finger paints! 😉
If you would like to carpool to the park from the gym, please post to the comments. Include whether or not you have a car, how many seats you have available, or if you need a ride.
Today’s Workout
Buy In – 3 rounds of: 5 strict pullups, 5 ring dips, 5 arch rocks, 5 hollow rocks, 5 forward rolls
WOD – “Cindy or Mary”
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
Zone 2 – scale pullups and pushups to assisted
Zone 1 – scale as needed, consider 10 -15 minute AMRAP
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 HSPU’s
10 Pistols
15 Pullups
Zone 3 – scale HSPU down to 1 abmat
Zone 2 – scale handstand pushups as needed, scale pistols with a box or rubber band
Zone 1 – scale as needed, consider a 10 -15 minute AMRAP
Cash Out – MWOD
* 5 Way shoulder stretch
* Roll out the lats and triceps with a lacrosse ball
* Couch stretch