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Athlete Spotlight: Brian Ogilvie

CrossFit Victoria BC - Brian post WOD
Brian's signature pose, right after the post WOD fetal position!

1. How did you find CrossFit?

I found CF online in 2008 when I was watching a video on how the actors for the movie ‘300’ trained.

2. What is your favourite CrossFit Exercise or WOD?

Every week I find it changes. Right now I would have to say my favourite is 3’s Company (2 Minutes of double unders, 2 Minutes of Kettlebell swings (35/55), 2 minutes of box jumps (24/30). Count your reps).

3. How long have you been CrossFitting for?

Since April 2009.

4. What do you do for a living?

I am a payments investigator on the Asia Pacific shift for Custom House Global Foreign Exchange (which is now a Western Union company). When money does not transfer from A to B I have to find out why and how to fix it.

5. What are your hobbies?

CrossFit, coaching children’s squash, cycling…and updating my Crossfit nutrition and workout logs.

6. What are your goals?

To do a muscle-up. To improve my 5km, 8km and 10km race times. To snatch 135 # x 30. To continue to increase my flexibility, strength and endurance.

7. Why do you CrossFit?

Crossfit is fun. I was so bored working out a gym. My workouts at the YMCA seemed to take hours and were so monotonous.

After working out in the gym for years I finally found a workout that doesn’t require a lot of time and is very engaging! I have learned to do so many exercises that I thought were reserved for Olympic weight lifters (split jerks, power cleans, dead lifts, etc.) and kids (hand stands, cart wheels, etc.) I Crossfit because it keeps me healthy in body and mind and nothing feels better than post-CF-euphoria. I love coming to the Crossfit Zone to train with Deanna, Shannon and the other coaches. The community at Crossfit Zone is so positive and so full of energy!

8. Any advice for future CrossFitters?

Just try it! You will never workout harder in your life and you will never have a better time improving yourself!

Thanks for being a part of the CrossFit Zone family Brian.  You are an inspiration to all your fellow CrossFitters. You have amazing dedication and for that reason you have continued to see increasing results in the gym 🙂

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Clean and Jerk 5-5-5

WOD – “Wall Balls”

4 Rounds:

  • 25 Wall balls
  • Rest 3 minutes
Record time for each round.
Cash Out – Stretch!


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