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ATTENTION: Class Cancellation! – UPDATE!!!


Attention Zoners!  In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s a total zoo out there in the snow today!  Because of increasing road safety issues and freezing conditions, we will be making the following changes to the Zone Class Schedule:



If you can make it down to MEC, pick yourself up some YakTraks (spiky rubber things you put over your shoes) and get some interval runs in…

My recommendation –

6 runs of 30 seconds separated by 60 seconds rest.  3 min break then repeat!

For those of you who DID manage to make it in today for the killer Dot Com WOD, job well done!  It was a real toughie, but also great because it helped everyone finally get nice and warm!


Our 7:00 a.m. class is CANCELLED.

The 9:30 a.m. class IS scheduled to run, pending further notice….

Thanks for bearing with us, and making the right decision to stay safe today! 

Please keep an eye on our website for possible further class schedule notices.

Thanks, Gang!


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