You may be sick of doing burpees from yesterday in the Open 12.1 workout, but you will have to do one more minute of burpees this week. Coaches will set a time in class for you to partner up with another members and take turns throwing down max burpees in 1 minute. You can do the test any day this week before Friday, February 1st.
Once we have all the numbers in, they will be tallied and the highest average score at one location will take possession of the cup for the Month of February.
We also still need to name the Cup on two sides representing each gym. What are your suggestions? Also, what would you like the next months gym challenge to be? We will base the Skill of the Month around it.
Open Gym:
- 8:00am – 9:30am
- 10:30m – 12:00pm
- 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Today`s Workout:
Buy In – Mobility warmup
KB snatch technique – 10 minutes
4 Rounds for time:
30 Russian KB Swings (55lb/70lb)
15 Medball Cleans (14lb/20lb)
Zone 3 – scale KB reps to 15-20
Zone 2 – scale KB to 35lbs/55lbs
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash Out – 5 Rounds NFT:
5 Pull Ups (Strict)
5 Dips (Strict)
*Scale or add weight as needed