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Canada West Regionals 3-2-1 Go!

Photo credit: CrossFit Games Canada West Regionals

It’s here…  The time that all the Zone competitors have been patiently waiting for!

Spectator shirts are in (by donation) and Zoners are getting on the ferry to head over to Richmond to watch amazing athletes throw down some super intense WODs!


Individual Events:

To check out the details of the individual wods, click here:

Team Events:

To check out the details of the team wods, click here:

Thursday April 26th

7:30pm to 9:30pm Athlete Registration located at the Hilton Vancouver Airport Hotel, 5911 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond, British Columbia V6X 4C7.

Friday April 27th

9:00am Doors Open to Spectators and Athletes

9:45am Opening Ceremony & National Anthem

10:00am Event 1 Team/Women/Men

1:24pm Event 2 Team/Women/Men

4:44pm Estimated End Time

Saturday April 28th

8:30am Doors Open to Spectators and Athletes

9:00am Event 3 Team/Men/Women

11:54am Event 4 Team/Men/Women

5:24pm Estimated End Time

Sunday April 29th

7:30am Doors Open to Spectators and Athletes

8:00am Event 5 Team Women/Women/Team Men/Men

1:00pm Final Team Event

1:45pm Final Womens Event

3:30pm Final Mens Event

5:00pm Estimated End Time

**Awards Ceremony and Closing Ceremony to Follow

For more info, click here:

If you are wanting to keep track of the events over the weekend, there will be photos and videos posted to the Games site as well as live updates on our Zone site and Facebook page.

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – 5 rounds of max attempt Double Unders, then 5 Shoulder-to-Overhead.
* Increase weight each round
* Work on what you need to the most when under fatigue (eg. Push Press, Push Jerk or Split Jerk)

WOD“Grab n’ go”

Four Rounds for time:
400M Run
20 1-arm DB Snatches, alternating arms (35lbs/55lbs)

Zone 3 – scale to 20lbs/35lbs
Zone 2 – scale snatch as needed
Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash Out
* Pigeon Pose
* Calf Stretch
* Stretch the shoulders with a rubber band


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