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Cindy Heat schedule


Mighty Mouse on our old school pullup bars!

Cindy is upon us….

If you are coming in for a workout and not the Cindy Challenge, please choose a heat time to join.  You are more than welcome to workout with the group.  But… if you are coming in, you may as well do the challenge 😉   If I have missed you in the heat schedule, please let me know via email (  If you have arranged another time to do your Baseline, I have not added you to the schedule.  There are a few athletes coming in to the 4:30 class on Monday to do their challenge.  If you would like to join them, please email me.  Here is how the day will run.

If anyone wants to come in and help judge, we welcome you with open arms 😀

9:00am – arrive at the gym
9:05am – intros and standards
9:15am – Heat 1 warming up
9:30am – Heat 1 starts (Heat 3 judges Heat 1)
9:40am – Heat 2 warming up
9:50am – Heat 1 ends
9:55am – Heat 2 starts (Heat 1 judges Heat 2)
10:05am – Heat 3 warming up
10:15am – Heat 2 Ends
10:20am – Heat 3 starts (Heat 2 judges Heat 3)
10:50am – Heat 3 ends
10:50am – clean up the gym and wrap up event
11:00am – go hang out at a beach!

Heat 1
Cindy Davis
Kelly Phillips
Kim Cameron
Lindsee Tomporowski
Asha Johal
Wendy Callendar
Warren Campbell
Tara Bomhof

Heat 2
Kerry Jupe
Jon Elliott
Katie Mullback
Latigo Biggins
Deanna Whiteley
Michael Kennedy
May Pongpitpitak
Mike Kalinka

Heat 3
Michale Ward
Sean Bruce
Joss Morin
Cam McLean
Marcus Corbyn
Jeff Olyarnyk
Greg Rangel
Michael Walsh

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – warmup on your own prior to your heat (as per schedule) with:

4 rounds of 10 jumping jacks, squats, burpees, hollow rocks. Followed by some dymamic stretching: butt kicks, high knees, bear crawl, inchworms, spider crawl


AMRAP in 20 minutes:

  • 5 Pullups
  • 10 Pushups
  • 15 Squats

Intermediate: use red rubber band for pullups
Beginner: jumping pullups x 2, pushups from the knees

Cash Out – MWOD

* 5 way shoulder stretch
* couch stretch


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