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CrossFit Maturity

CrossFIt Victoria BC - Donald hitting the dot
Donald making every rep count!

Here’s the million dollar question of the day: Do you exercise CrossFit Maturity?  Or do you simply just steam through a WOD with reckless abandon, performing mediocre quality reps until a coach catches you and calls you out on it?

Here’s an example of CrossFit Maturity.  Let’s say you’re quite proficient at full plank pushups.  However, you’re in the middle of a WOD and you’re feeling fatigued.  With each rep, you’re getting less and less of the way down, and you’re no longer able to get your chest to the floor.  Would you scale automatically to use your knees and complete the rest of your pushup sets from here because your form has broken down?  If not, you should.  This would be a fabulous example of what we’re going to call CrossFit Maturity, wherein you know when it’s necessary for you to scale without someone telling you to do so.

Wouldn’t you like to say that you strive for excellence and push yourself to get better at all things CrossFit, but not at the expense of good form?  We’d love for you to be able to say that, too!  Part of maturity is remembering to leave your ego at home.  So what if you have to scale down a bit?  Let it go.  Scaling down of your own volition means that you’re playing by the rules, staying safe in your form, and performing at your true and present ability during each possible moment.

The Coaches can confidently say that all of you Zoners are doing a great job of learning proper form and technique.  We enjoy looking around our quickly growing gym and seeing people setting themselves up for the WOD and doing exercises correctly on their own.  I can think of many occasions where I have witnessed clients making judgment calls mid-WOD to take off some weight, or scale things down.  This is exciting progress.  We are able to see a level of CrossFit Maturity emerging here at the Zone, and we want to encourage to all to stay mindful of this and keep it up!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Take 15 minutes to work on a Goal or a Goat. There are a lot of goals on the black board to be completed by the end of February or beginning of March.

WOD – “Trio”

1. Mini “Fran” 9 – 6 – 3  Reps of Thrusters (65/95) and pullups.

Rest 2 minutes

2. Mini “Diane” 9 – 6 – 3 Reps of Deadlift (155/225) and Handstand Pushups (1 ab mat / head to ground)

Rest 2 Minutes

3. Mini “Grace” 10 reps of Clean and Jerk (95/135). NOTE: No dropping the weights, unless you are going to injur yourself. Focus on touch and go reps!

Zone 3: scale thrusters 55/75; scale deadlift 115/175; scale handstand pushup (female 2 ab mats, male 1 abmat);  scale clean and jerk to 75/ 105.

Zone 2: scale thrusters 45/65; scale deadlift 95/135;  scale clean and jerk to 75/ 105. modified pullups and handstand pushups;

Zone 1: scale weights and exercises as needed

*** Keep a running clock in the workout, athletes please calculate your 2 minute rest accurately.  Subtract 4 minutes for your total time. ***

Cash Out – 500M row focusing on your rowing technique.

Running WOD

Rest or very easy recovery run (5K to 8K)

Please post in the comments when and where you are doing your run if you would like people to join you!

100 Day Burpee Challenge:

Burpees today: 84

Buy-in: 3570


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