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Here’s a letter from our one of our newest Zone Apprentice Coaches, Craig Rice. Is anybody hungry??
Hi Zoners,
It’s time for another order from our Maluma Bison distributor from the mainland, Karsten Schellhas Co-Founder of Maluma Bison. They raise 100% grass-fed bison without antibiotics or growth hormones. We put in an order last year, and I for one can’t wait to get some more.
If we receive enough interest from you Zoner’s we will put in another order this year! If you are interested in placing an order, please email Craig at craig@crossfitzone.ca
TOTAL PRICE is approximately $290.00 – $340.00 per box. ($6.80/lb of meat)
Order Deadline is Aug 26th.
If you want to know more about this whole grass-fed bison phenomenon, check out this video:
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqGqkKa37GQ&feature=player_embedded’]
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: Front Squat OR Overhead Squat 5 x 5
- Work up in weight quickly to a heavy (but not max) 5 reps
- Focus on knees out, vertical torso
WOD: Rubix
This is a timed station workout – you will spend 30 seconds at each station and then have 30 seconds rest/switching time, 4 total rounds of the circuit of exercises.
- Row (cals)
- Ring Dips
- Wallball (14/20)
- Double Crunch
- Low score at each station combined is your score (i.e. 17 cals, 5 ring dips, 12 wallballs, 10 double crunch = 44)
Zone 2 – substitute jumping ring dips and scale wallballs to 10/14
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash-Out: Tally up your reps and then an easy lap of the block as a group