I know that you are probably sick of hearing about running! BUT…. here is some more for ya!
We were genetically ingrained to run ultramarathons like Rob and Donald. NO WAY that can’t be true! If you want to eat the paleolithic diet, then you might as well live the full paleolithic life. A human will never run faster that an animal that it is trying to hunt down, that is why we were designed to run long distances, we need to out run the animal.
“Today, endurance running is primarily a form of exercise and recreation, but its roots may be as ancient as the origin of the human genus, the scientists conclude in the article.” – NY Times
Check out the article in New York Times explaining just this.
Our physiques were desdigned for running long distances. “Dr. Lieberman, a paleontologist, explained: ‘Your gluteus maximus stabilizes your trunk as you lean forward in a run. A run is like a controlled fall, and the buttocks help to control it.’ “
Don’t forget the POSE Seminar is tomorrow (Saturday, October 24th 12pm – 5pm, Location TBA)
7 marathons in 7 days!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – practice a goat for 10 minutes
WOD – “Deadlift foundations”
*coach will lead technique with pvc then you will perform weighted reps of the following exercises:
SDHP 3×10
Deadlift 3×8
Cash Out – 3 rounds for time of 10 OHS (65/95), 10 box jumps (30/24), 10
knees to elbows. Scale as needed.