Family Day is coming up on Monday, February 11th, so go spend some time with your family! We will have reduced classes over the long weekend. If you have no plans and want to hang out with your CrossFit family, we will be headed to Oak Bay Rec to go ice skating at 1:30pm.
- Friday, February 8th – classes run as per usual
- Saturday, February 9th – 8:00am and 9:00am
- Sunday, February 10th – Gym closed
- Monday, February 11th – 9:00am class only
- Friday, February 8th – classes run as per usual
- Saturday, February 9th – 10:00am class only (no intro)
- Sunday, February 10th – 11:30am (Advanced class)
- Monday, February 11th – 9:30am class only
Open Gym (downtown)
- 10:30am – 12:15pm
Workout of the Day:
Buy In – Mobility, then Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 E3M
Increasing weight each set going for a new 5RM
Zone 1 – focus on technique with a light weight
Skill of the month – test (1) Max consecutive muscle ups (2) Max consecutive pullups and ring dips (3) Max consecutive pullups or ring dips. If you have already tested, spend the time working on a goat.
* Coaches, please record the scores and if the athlete used any assistance, what was it?
WOD – 3 Rounds for time:
3 Presses
6 Push Presses
9 Push Jerks
12 Sumo Deadlift high pulls
RX – 115/75
Zone 3 – 95/65
Zone 2 – 75/55
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash Out – roll and stretch out the shoulders
Extra Credit:
5 Rounds of:
5 strict pullups
5 strict dips
* scale or add weight as needed