Image courtesy of CrossFit Rockwall
And the votes are tallied up and the winning movement is…… RING DIPS!
Make sure to get a Coach to watch you do your max set of Ring Dips sometime this week before class or during the Buy-In.
A Bit About Ring Dips
Contrary to using a stationary item like the parallel bars, rings are extremely unstable. This means that in Ring Dips you are utilizing numerous stabilizer muscles in your core and shoulders. This goes a long way in building core strength and preventing injury!
How can I improve my Ring Dip this month?
- Work on your ring support every chance you get – the better your support, the easier it will be to get a Ring Dip! Try completing 3 rounds of the full CrossFit Warmup before class each day, including the Pushups and Ring Dips.
- Challenge yourself with a smaller rubber band, no band, or weighted Dips.
- Try to focus on keeping the rings close to your body throughout the movement.
- Push your chest forward and your elbows back as you lower into the Dip. This will put your body into the optimal position.
Requirements for Ring Dips: shoulder must dip below the top of the elbow at the bottom of the Dip (elbows should be at least at a 90 degree angle); elbows must be fully extended at the top of each Dip with rings pulled in close.
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Also, just a reminder that we will also be re-testing our Pushups later on this week! Get ready to break that January PR, folks!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – 3 rounds of : 100 skips, 10 goblet squats, 15 double crunch
WOD – “Gorilla Total”
You have 10 minutes at each station which includes warmup and finding your max. Coaches will demo the movement requirements before each 10 minutes.
1 rep max of:
- Overhead Squat
- Push Jerk
- Weighted pullup (BW + external weight)
Zone 3 – strict pullups with a rubber band (green – 75lbs, blue – 50lbs, red – 25lbs, mini purple/red – 10lbs). Take off rubber band resistance amount from body weight.
Zone 2 – work on technique with moderate to light weight, sets of 5 reps
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash Out – Coach led MWOD classics
- Couch stretch
- Roll out shoulders with a Lacrosse ball
- Band stretch your Lats