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Foundations Seminar

CrossFit Victoria BC - Brigit doing a push press

Sunday, October 25th — 9:00am – 12:00pm

Come learn the Elements of CrossFit!

This seminar will deliver a comprehensive understanding of the CrossFit program and can be seen as CrossFit 101. We offer a seamless integration into a group class where the concentration becomes more refinement of technique and development of athletic capacities.

1. Back Squat
2. Front Squat
3. Overhead Squat
4. Shoulder Press
5. Push Press
6. Push Jerk
7. Deadlift / Sumo Deadlift High Pull
8. Clean

Price: Members $FREE$ / Non Members $40

Register now!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Ball Clean practice

WOD –  “Olympic Lift Foundations”

*Coach will lead everyone in technique then you will ramp
weight up each successive set on the following exercises*

5 x 3 Squat Cleans
5 x 3 Hang Squat Snatch

Cash Out – 4 rounds for time:

  • 10 chest to bar pullups
  • 30 double unders

Zone 3:  regular pull-ups
Zone 2:  assisted pull-ups and 20 double unders
Zone 1:  jumping/assisted pull-ups, 15 double unders and 3 rounds). Sub 3:1 single skips to double unders


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