Do any of these goodies belong to YOU?
Hiya, Folks!
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s time once again to remind all of you of a few Zone Housekeeping tidbits.
First of all, the ever-popular Honour Jar. If you have inserted a paper IOU slip into the jar after a purchase of water, protein bar or other some such thing, please be prompt in paying out your IOU. If your slip is more than 7 days old, it would be great if you could switch it out for some of your spare change! Our jar has been continuously full of paper for awhile now, so it’s time to get those accounts all settled up.
Next up is the Lost and Found shelf. It seems as though those items get left behind one day after class, are promptly placed in the Lost and Found, and then often go unclaimed! Our pile is getting taller and taller, so please have a look and see if any of the water bottles, left over potluck dishes, glasses, clothes, etc. belong to you. Also, just a heads up that this week we’re going to be putting a pile of the left over clothes on the floor in the gym for people to claim! Some of them are actually quite lovely. So grab something if you recognize it as being yours. Whatever is not claimed will soon be heading off to charity!
Lastly, just a reminder to help us continue to keep the Zone clean and sanitary! Taking notice of the small things, like not spilling your chalk all around the outside of the bucket, and lovingly placing your kettlebells, dumbbells or weight plates back in neat tidy rows and stacks, helps us stay on top of the general gym order. Also, in the interest of not spreading any more germs than we have to, please try and take the initiative to wipe down your equipment each time after you use it.
I know these little naggy bits are tedious. But we appreciate all of your help in keeping our Zone running ship shape! 🙂
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 3 rounds – 10pvc overhead walking lunges (5/side), 10 double crunch, 10 wallballs
WOD: Partner Barbarella
This is a two-part WOD, partner up with someone doing a different Zone!
Part 1: Barbie
4 rounds for time of:
- 3 power snatch, 3 ohs, 3 power cleans, 3 thrusters (75/115)
- first partner completes the full workout then the next partner goes
- 5 min break in between to change weights etc
- Add times for both partners together
Zone 4: scale to 65/95
Zone 3: scale bar weight to 55/75
Zone 2: scale bar weight to 35/65
Zone 1: scale as needed
***short break***
Part 2: Partner 2k
- Each partner will row 1k (set up as 2 intervals of 1k row with 10sec rest)
- Second partner goes immediately after first partner is done
- Total time to complete 2k is your score
Scoring: Add up both of your times from the first part and combine them with your team score for the second part for your overall score for the day!
Cash-Out: High fives all round