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Goodluck Zone Lifters!

Scoots last year at the Comp

Today is the day that Lucas, Lindsay and Adrianna are throwing some heavy weights over head at the North Van Olympic Lifting competition!  Best of luck to all three of you.  Hit some PRs and kick some ass.  We are all sending lots of strength your way.


Show some love in the comments!


Reminder: Cave month has come to an end, come in at 11am to get your final measurements


Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Coach led dynamic warm up

  • Then pair up with someone that uses the same wall ball weight as you
  • Team theme – “What will your legs feel like at the end of the wod”?

WOD “Lactic Acid”

For Time:

1000m row,
50 burpee wall ball (14/20)
100 double unders
200 squats

*Both partners will complete the 1000m row, then work together to complete the
rest of the movements and reps together. Break up as needed completing all the wb, then du’s, then squats

* If there is not enough wall balls for the partners, then start at one of the other exercises (double unders or squats)

Zone 2 – scale wall ball to 10/14lbs, scale doubles to singles 3:1

Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash Out – Coach led rolling with foam roller/lacrosse ball, followed by couch stretch and psoas stretch


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