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Have your cake…. and eat it too?

CrossFit Zone wants to wish Coach Krista a Happy Birthday!

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CrossFit Zone crew out for Sushi

There are quite a few birthday’s this month…. Erin, Sandy, Krista, Kristina, Deanna, Mike D… sorry if I missed anyone. We went out for sushi on Tuesday night to celebrate the birthday’s and say goodbye to Sarah who is going to Vancouver to article at a Law Firm and Stefan who is off to basic training. We will miss you both! Keep up the training while you are away 🙂

Check out this video on the paleo diet, I thought it would be very fitting for everyone to watch before they go out and party this weekend. It is very interesting when diet is put into perspective like this.  Thanks CrossFit LA for finding it on You tube.

Today’s Workout:

Partner Ladder

With a continuously running clock with a partner do:

  • 1 Deadlift (95/135)
  • 1 Pullup
  • 1 Box Jump (24″/30″)

On the first minute.  Then:

  • 2 Deadlifts (95/135)
  • 2 Pullups
  • 2 Box Jumps

On the second minute, etc.  Continue adding reps until you can’t complete the reps in the minute.   If you fall off the clock, continue working the circuit pattern at your max reps possible until all teams have failed.

* Only one athlete can be doing the exercise at once, the other is resting.


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