The Sumo Deadlift High Pull also know as “SDHP” combines two movements the Sumo Deadlift and the High Pull. This is a very powerful functional movement that uses your whole body. It may not look functional, but take a look at this CrossFit video to see how this exercise transfers to your daily life.
Start Position – The starting position looks like a silver back gorilla.
- The feet are wide in a sumo stance
- Take a narrow grip on the barbell (the hands are approximately thumb distance apart)
- The chest is high while maintaining the lumbar curvature
- Look straight ahead with a neutral gaze
Stand Up –
- Standing up much like in an air squat; the back must remain tight in order to protect the spine
- Pull the weight up with the hips and legs into full extension (standing up)
Open the hips –
- Hips are all the way open before you start the pull
- Back completely straight with shoulders back
The Shrug –
- Shoulders begin to shrug up powerfully just as the hips open completely
- The shrug is initiated with the momentum created on the barbell with leg power
The Pull –
- Keep the elbows as far above your hands as possible
- The arms begin to bend to assist the weights progression upward
- Leading with the elbows
- The pull is ended right under the chin briefly before it’s decent
NOTE: The movement of the the barbell up is the same as the movement of the barbell back down. If you were to video tape this movement and play it frontwards or backwards you should not be able to tell if the barbell is moving up or down.
For more clarification on how to do this exercise, please watch the following video
Open the Hips, Shrug, High Pull
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Partner block carry
Elite: Seven rounds for time of:
- 10 Sumo-deadlift high-pull (65/95)
- 10 Ring dips
Zone 3: scaled weight to 45/65
Zone 2: scaled weight to 30/45; sub Jumping ring dips x 2
Zone 1: sumo deadlift high pull with Kettlebell 20/35; sub bench dips
Cash Out – situp get ups (5R/5L) and turkish getups (5R/5L) increasing weight each set x 3