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How can I get more Flexible?

CrossFit Victoria BC - Stretching
T-Bops and GI Jo partner stretching

Let me guess…  you’ve got stiff hamstrings, locked-up hips, and a painful lower back?

What most people would consider extreme flexibility-the splits, full lotus, wheel pose-is actually just natural range of motion. If you doubt this, spend an afternoon with any 10-year-old kid and you’ll realize that we were ALL naturally flexible – we just lost it!

Would you be interested in doing a Yoga class every week at the Zone? That’s right… at CrossFit Zone!  We want to know if you are interested in trying yoga.  Please let us know and we will add some classes to the schedule.

Did you know that with increased flexibility it will help you with…

  • Squats
  • Presses
  • Olympic lifting
  • Handstands
  • Toes to bar / knees to elbows
  • Pullups
  • Ring work

I think I just named most of the CrossFit exercises!

CrossFit Victoria BC - TBops posing
Can you do this???

Post to the comments if you would be interested in seeing some YOGA at the box.

We want to hear from you!  Have you filled out the survey yet?  If not, click here.  Once you fill out the survey, claim your prize!


Monday June 21st is the last day to bring in your registration form AND money

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – 3 rounds of:  8 kbs, 6 ttb/kte/double crunches, 4 pvc dislocates 

Then:  time to practice kipping hspu’s and warm-up on the deadlift up to WOD weight!

WOD – “Diane”

This wod is great for working on your handstand pushup progressions and is one of our benchmark WODs on the leaderboard.  Practice the kip and getting comfortable upside down in the warm-up then give it a shot! 

Elite: 21-15-9 Reps for time:

  • Deadlift 155lbs / 225lbs
  • Handstand Pushups (head to ground – male; to one ab mat – female)

Zone 5:  Scale deadlift to 135/205

Zone 4:  Scale deadlift to 115/175, handstand pushups to 1 ab mat (male) 2 ab mats (girls)

Zone 3: Scale deadlift to 95/135, modify hspu’s as needed 

Zone 2: Scale deadlift to 65 / 95lbs; modify hanstand pushups as needed
Zone 1: Scale deadlift as needed

Cash Out – Foam roll hamstrings and back, cheer on your buddies!


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