Andy is making a sled for us! I bet you can’t wait 🙂
Hey everyone…
Due to the late winter nights, we are moving the HP sessions to Sunday at 11:30, starting in the New Year (Jan 9th) We would love to see some new faces showing up as we ramp up our training for the open and regionals. The HP sessions focus more on team-based WODs and are for those individuals who would like to challenge themselves in a different setting. Please note though, we expect those who are interested to have a good understanding of the basics of Crossfit, including the O-lifts and Gymnastics. We don’t expect everyone to be at the same level but you should know what scaling would be appropriate for you.
~ Sean
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – KB Snatch technique, then complete 10 R/ 10 L reps increasing weight each round
WOD – “Feeling like Arnold”
This is one of Willis’ WODs, so you can thank him 😉
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
5 Push Press (115/185)
7 Ring Dips
9 KB Swings (55/70)
Zone 4 – Scale PP to 105/165
Zone 3 – scale PP to 95//135, scale KB to 35/55 or slightly lower than RX
Zone 2 – scale PP to 75/115, scale to assisted ring dips
Zone 1 – scale PP as needed, scale ring dips to jumping or pushups, scale KB as needed
Cash Out – 5 way shoulder stretch