TBops style at Lululemon!
Happy Monday! It is time to get started on strengthening your L-sit! We will be adding the L-sit skill into the programming regularly through the month. When you see it come up in the buy in, wod or cash out, try different ways of strengthening the position. We can do an L-sit on the parallel bars, parallettes, rings, hanging from the bar or on the floor. Challenge yourself throughout the month as you choose.
Have you tested your L-sit?
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Tabata L-sit (8 intervals) Keep up the whole time with any progression you need to use.
If you have not tested your L-sit or retested your strict pullup, get’er done!
WOD – “Up against the wall”
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
12 WallBalls 14/20lbs
10 Pullups
8 DeadLifts 155/225lbs
Games Prep – chest to bar pullups
Zone 3 – DL to 135/195lbs
Zone 2 – scale pullups to assisted, WB to 10/14lbs, DL to 95/135lbs
Z0ne 1 – scale DL as needed
Accessory work:
- 3 x max attempt double unders
- 3 x 10 toes to bar
- 3 x 10 heavy KB swings
If there needs to be two heats, group two work on accessory work while other group does the wod.
Cash Out – Show some love to your hammies with a rubber band!