Although injuries sometimes occur during exercise or sporting activities, many of these injuries can be avoided. With proper training, consistent technique and the right equipment, you can go a long way to prevent injury.
Here is an illuminating list of stats showing the number of injuries in each of these activities per 100 hours:
Number of Injuries:
Soccer – 6.2
Rugby – 1.9
Basketball – 1.1
Track and Field – 6
Cross-country – 4
P.E – 18
Gymnastics – .04
Weight Training – .0008
Weight Lifting – .0006
Volleyball – .0004
Here are some interesting numbers on the percentage of body parts injured as a result of weight lifting:
Most Injured Body Part:
Body Part % of total injuries
Hand – 23.8
Upper Trunk – 18.8
Head, neck – 16.4
Lower Trunk – 15.5
Foot – 14.6
Arm – 5.3
Leg – 4.9
Other – 0.7
And here’s a breakdown of the most commonly seen exercise injuries:
Types of Exercise Injury
Diagnosis % of total injuries
Soft-tissue injury- 64.1
Laceration – 15.1
Fracture of dislocation – 13.3
Other – 7.6
Many sports and exercise injuries can be prevented from occurring through proper preparation.
Build up gradually – Proper training is particularly important for physically demanding sports and workouts, especially if you aren’t used to exercising regularly.
Use the appropriate equipment – In many activities, the most important equipment is footwear. A good shoe goes a long way to supporting your athletic needs and cushioning your joints and bones. Since serious injuries to the spine and knees can come from incorrect lifting of heavy weights, lift weights that you can handle competently, and use a rack or a spotter if you need help. A good grip is key, as well. Utilize chalk to keep sweaty hands at bay, and tape up any areas that need extra support.
Learn the correct technique – Technique is especially important when trying something new. Seek advice from a coach who is qualified. Most importantly, practice, practice, practice! Good technique doesn’t happen overnight. It takes training and dedication until it becomes second nature.
Warm up – Warm-up prepares the body for exercise. In particular, it starts to divert blood flow to the muscles you’ll be using.
Balance exercise with rest – Exercise for both strength and endurance should be balanced with rest. Tiredness may increase the risk of injury.
Please remember that, as in all areas of health maintenance, prevention is better than cure!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Snatch Drop Squats and Hang Squat Snatch – technique work and then light bars – 15 min
The snatch drop squat develops stability in the bottom position of the squat snatch as well as quickness to drop under the bar with proper foot placement and body alignment. The hang squat snatch develops the second pull (rapid hip extension from mid thigh) and third pull (pull under the bar) as the final transition step before the full snatch from the floor (see video)
• 200m run
• 30 reps of Pushups, KB Swings (55/35), Pullups
• 200m run
• 20 reps of Pushups, KB Swings, Pullups
• 200m run
• 10 reps of Pushups, KB Swings, Pullups
• 200m run
Zone 3: Scale weight on KB Swings to 35/20
Zone 2: Scale weight as needed for KB Swings, 20/15/10 reps on each
Zone 1: Scale weight as needed, 15/10/5 reps on each
Cash Out – Band Penguin Walks 3×10/10/10, Ring Reverse flyes 3×10