Since it is strict pullup month, I thought it would be very fitting to share this video with the group by K-Star on the strict pullup.
I want to over emphasize the importance of what he talks about in the video. Lots of Zoners are really focusing on keeping their core tight during the pull, as well as keeping their shoulder back at the top of the pullup. I am still noticing athletes in my classes that are having problems with this and I want to stress the importance with this video.
If you are unsure if this is happening to you, ask your Coach to video tape you and show you what your positioning looks like. If you are raising your shoulders up into your ears when you are doing a pullup, you need to take a step back and add more assistance. In the long run, this will make you stronger and you still have half a month to go to increase your reps!
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Keep up the hard work Zoners!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – 3 x 10 sets of Jumping pullups and slowly lower yourself back to the ground. Coaches make sure that the athletes are keeping the shoulders back and down.
Zone 3 – Use a rubber band on the pullup descent
Zone 2 – If you don’t have your strict pullup, focus on bar holds, jump above the bar and hold as long as you can and then drop down
WOD – “Karen”
150 WallBalls(14/20lbs)
Zone 4 – scale reps to 100 with RX weight
Zone 3 – scale to 10/14lbs
Zone 2 – scale to 75-100 reps
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash Out – Jog around the block, then MWOD
* Couch stretch 1 min per leg
* Figure four stretch 1 min per leg
* Roll out the upper back