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Lifting with Francey Pants

Hello Zone Lifters!

Time to start thinking about getting stronger in the New Year!

Due to the lack of attendance in the Friday lifting session at 1:15pm, we will be cancelling the class effective immediately.  Sorry for any inconvenience.   If you have any questions or comments, please contact

But, not to worry… We will be continuing the Monday 7:30pm lifting session in the New Year.  If you have been thinking about coming in, get YOUR BUTT in for a session so that we can keep the attendance up and continue the service of making Zoners strong like Popeye!

If you are needing a lifting program for theses sessions, please contact or


There will be no Zone HP session this evening (Wednesday, December 21st) because everyone should be headed down to Darcy’s Pub at 8:30pm for Teej and Steve’s Birthday Ugly Sweater Party!

Happy Birthday Beast and Teej!  This one is for you 😉

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Thruster 6 x 1, working up to a max single rep.

WOD- “Fran”

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

  • Thrusters (65/95)
  • Pullups

Zone 3: scale thrusters to 45/65

Zone 2: scale thrusters to 35/45, scale to assisted pullups

Zone 1: scale as needed

Cash Out – MWOD 34

MWod: Spend 2 min coming up with some crazy stretch in the chair for your tripceps/working on arm flexion (arm up over head).
Then: For the remaining 8 min, stretch your forearms and unglue those arm soft tissues with your trusty pain ball.

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