Team, we have just registered our gym for a chance to get to the 2010 CrossFit Games. From our community we will have to assemble a team that consists of 4-6 athletes plus an optional non-competing coach. There is a minimum of 2 girls and 2 guys required but hopefully we’ll have enough interest that we will have a balanced team of 6.
The regionals are being held on May 29- 30th in Calgary, and the Games are held in Aromas, California July 16-18th. We will have to travel to Calgary and perform well against teams from all across Canada in order to get to Aromas. Last year the Affiliate Cup at the Games consisted of around 100 teams from around the world competing for the title of “World’s Fittest Gym”. The competition will be intense but will also be a great time!
If you are interested in being a part of the affiliate team, we will be holding our tryouts on Sunday, February 7th at 11:00am. The tryout will consist of a 3 part workout including a strength component, a metcon, and a chipper style workout. If you are interested in trying out, you should be comfortable handling the elite prescriptions in our WODs as there will be no scaling available in the Affiliate Cup. Are you interested in trying out? Post to the comments.
We also need to come up with a Team name… any ideas?
Looks like fun right!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – 800 or 1000m row (Games Prep: 2000m row, after members who are doing 800s/1000s have gone)
Rest 10-15 minutes
WOD – OPT Big Dawg Pullup-Burpee
For Time:
50 chest to bar pullups
50 burpees
James Fitzgerald of OPT hosted an online challenge a couple of weeks ago and this was one of the workouts. Everyone involved had to videotape their performance and post it online. I did my pullup-burpee workout about 15 min after my 2000m row and it was tough – take a look at the video
for some sweet burpees. The guy who finished first in the workout had a time of about 3min but had 2-3 hours between the row and pullup burpees!
Zone 3: Scale to regular pullups
Zone 2: Scale to assisted pullups
Zone 1: 30 of each, scale pullups
Cash Out – foam roll upper back 30s-45s, shoulder dislocates x 10, repeat both 3x
Running WOD
5 x 400 at 5-K pace
Please post in the comments when and where you are doing your run if you would like people to join you!
100 Day Burpee Challenge:
Burpees today: 64
Buy-in: 2080