You may be an avid CrossFitter, but what are you doing when you are not here? Hitting up 3-5 WODs a week is not enough…. Come to the Move Well seminar at CrossFit Zone on Saturday, November 21st at 11:00am and learn why….
Wondering what this class is all about? Read on…
1. Discover how the Industrial Revolution started a trend that has drastically altered our health and quality of life (in a negative way).
2. Learn that daily energy expenditure is as necessary a nutrient as the food we eat or the air we breathe.
3. Be amazed how even the simplest exercises, done with just your body weight, can add years to your life and combat all major diseases.
4. Improved health 100% guaranteed – if you follow these simple principles of movement!
5. Learn simple ways to incorporate these principles into your daily life.
To register – email us
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Inchworms 2 lengths of gym
WOD – “Strength Day”
- Back Squat 4 x 6 reps increasing weight each set.
- Weighted Pullups 4 x 6 reps increasing weight each set. If you can’t do strict pullups then challenge yourself with lowering the strength of the rubber band.
- Weighted Pushups 4 x 6 reps increasing weight each set. If you can’t do pushups from the toes start at the 30 inch box doing incline pushups and lowering the box each set..
To score this workout, add the combined weights of each exercises 6RM.
Cash Out – set of 100’s