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Olympic Lifting Comp – Deadline

Are you entering the Olympic Weightlifting Competition on Saturday February 26th, 2011?

Early Registration is due by Saturday, January 15th, then the price goes up to $85

I have heard talk around the gym that some Zoner’s are registering.  Please come and join me 🙂

The lifts will be the standard Snatch and Clean and Jerk.  The competition will be split between men and woman divisions along with weight classes.

There will be two team events.  A full team (4 men, 2 ladies) and a half team (2 men, 1 lady). We will have to submit the names of the competitors on the team prior to the event. Your  individual lifts will then count towards the teams score.

For more information on the event, check out CrossFit North Vancouver.  To register, click here.

Today’s Workout

Buy-in:  30 box jumps (step down), 30 double crunch, broken up as needed, not for time

WOD:  “Master Blaster”

4 rounds for time of:

  • 10 Push Press (75/115)
  • 10 Chest to bar pullups
  • 10 barhop burpees

Zone 4 – scale to regular pullups, scale bar weight to 65/95

Zone 3 – scale bar weight to 55/75

Zone 2 – scale to assisted pullups

Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash-out:  Group stretch


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