Hope that everyone had a great Canada Day!
Don’t forget that we have our first early morning (7:00am) class starting today!

3 Reason why you should workout in the morning:
- Wake up the brain and be ready for the day! This will help you to organize your thoughts and make a mental list of what you need and want to accomplish that day.
- Get the workout in early before something comes up in the afternoon that might prevent you from getting your workout in.
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and a lot of people still skip it! Sometimes people find it hard to workout on an empty stomach so eat a light breakfast beforehand. By working out in the morning not only are you encouraging yourself to eat breakfast, you are also jump starting your metabolism and burning more calories throughout the day than you would if you skipped breakfast and worked out in the afternoon.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Row technique – each person does 3x70m with perfect form
WOD – “Robot Pistons”
Elite: For Time
- Row 500, then
2 Rounds of:
- 10 wallball (14/20)
- 10 box jumps (24″)
- 20 squats
- 10 steps per leg overhead walking lunge (55/85)
Zone 3: scale lunges to 45/65
Zone 2: scale lunges to 30/45, wallball scale as needed
Zone 1: scale lunges to med ball – 10/14, wallball to 10/14
Cash Out – 5 x 20sec partner assisted handstands