Coach Craig giving the Snatch his all in Open WOD 12.2
With the CrossFit Games Open competition behind us, many minds are already looking down the road to Regionals, and of COURSE to the CrossFit Games in July. However, for the majority of the CrossFit population who isn’t progressing any further in this elite competition, I figured it was time for us to reflect a bit on what the whole Open experience was like.
There were a number of first-time Zone competitors this year, as well as some returning Open Veterans. For those of you who did compete, we’re wanting to hear from you!
It’s time to share your thoughts and experiences with us regarding your slog through the Open. Even if you didn’t compete, but were able to hit some of the Open WODs during our Thursday classes and get a taste of what the competitors were dealing with, we want to hear from you as well.
*What did you find the most difficult about competing in the Open?
*What did you find to be the easiest part of this competition?
*Did you surprise yourself in any way, good or bad?
*Did participating in the Open change your mindset about your everyday fitness in any way?
*Did the Open bring up anything else for you that you would like to tell us about?
Please share with us in the comments if you have any stories, observations, encouragements or revelations that you would like to pass on! Also, if you have a personal open experience you would like to write about, by all means draft something up and send it to Shannon at, and we will post it on our site!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Rowing practice
* Coaches work through some technique with the group
* If there are more than 8 in a class, partner up and partners watch for the coaches cues!
WOD – “Tabata Rainbows and Puppies”
What do you feel like are rainbows and what are puppies? Haha!
Complete 1 full tabata on each exercise (8 intervals of each), then move to the next station:
1 minute rest
Hang Power Snatch (65lbs/95lbs)
1 minute rest
Wall Ball (14lbs/20lbs)
1 minute rest
Score = total reps + total metres travelled.
Zone 3 – scale snatch to 55lbs/75lbs
Zone 2 – scale snatch as needed, scale wall ball to 10lbs/14lbs
Zone 1 – scale as needed, consider only doing 4 intervals of each
Cash Out – MWOD
* Foam roll your whole body!