Excerpt from Doug Chapman, Hyperfit USA
“In the early days of CrossFit the message board was the shit. It was the place where the newly converted could come, ask questions, exchange ideas, argue and share workouts. People would post workouts or just troll on other people’s posts. Once a month, Jeff Martin and the guys from England would post some sort of monster workout. The workout would be posted on the message board and the affiliate blog.
At the time I was looking for ways to use barbells for skills development for basic movements, similar to how Coach Burgener has his warm-up, with the idea of doing things in series to develop skills and capacity. I had been experimenting with Istvan Javorek’s Complex Conditioning as a source for training ideas. Javorek is really the first person to coin the term, “Complex.” I was looking for a way to train a beginner along side a veteran and have positive training responses. Coach Javorek’s book has a lot of ideas using dumbbells and barbells to condition athletes.”
Training a veteran elite athlete and a beginner to both have a great workout with competency has always been a struggle in the CrossFit world with the group classes. We adopted the Madlab program 3 years ago to help with this struggle which includes our personal training fundamentals program. The goal is safety, competency and a great workout!
“The Painstorm XIX we do currently is different from the original one Jeff posted in 2006. I still use the term “Painstorm” to honor the source code for my current ideas. The workout has evolved in loading and movements over the years. Adding five minutes as well as changing the movements. We did the workout yesterday with a power clean rather than a clean. We have been doing a variant of Painstorm XIX a couple of times a year for nearly 10 years.
Training Effects:
Mental exercise of working out for 45 minutes
The physical repetition of practicing the movements for 45 minutes
Coach: Seeing a lot the same movements helps the coach to dial into that specific movement issue.”
Enjoy the suck,
Very Respectfully,
DChap, out.