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Registration Extended for UrbaCity Challenge



Have you checked out the great prize incentive going on? Go to:, and click on the link on the right “click here for prizes“.  Right now you win New Balance gift certificates. More  great prize from UVic Athletics and Rec will be announced  this weekend.  Got to love that!


If you would like to volunteer for the event, please sign up at SNC1tQ0E6MQ


“The Bay Centre is proud to sponsor the UrbaCity Challenge! As a thank you for participating  in this year’s event, The Bay Centre is offering you exclusive 5% to 30% discounts at  participating retailers. Drop by Guest Services, located on the lower level, to receive  your UrbaCity Challenge participant discount sheet. See you on race day!” For a full list of sponsors, check out

Ur-ba-City (n) Extreme pride in your city. Help us show off our city and raise money for The Prostate Centre – take part in the 2012 VICTORIA URBACITY CHALLENGE.

QOD: Are you interested in taking part in the UrbaCity Challenge? If so, let us know because we have one free entry for the Zone!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – 1 x 10 reps of KB snatch + windmill (1 rep on right, 1 rep on left is a set)

WOD – “Team Jackie”

4 rounds of:
P1 – Row 250M
P2 – Thrusters (35/45lbs)
P3 – Pullups

Zone 2 – scale thruster as needed, scale to assisted pullups
Zone 1 – scale as needed

* The partner at the rowing station sets the time for the thrusters and pullups.  Partners 2 & 3 complete as many reps as they can in the time it takes Partner 1 to row.  Once the row is complete, everyone switches stations.
* All 3 athletes complete 4 rounds of each exercise.
* Be quick with your transitions!

Cash Out – MWOD
* Couch stretch
* Stretch out the lats and rhomboids with a rubber band
* Roll out with a foam roller if there is any extra time



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