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HAHA!  …. So, I guess you’d better get down to the gym for the 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.  Saturday classes! 😉

Today’s Workout

Buy In – Power Clean – 3 x 5 reps
* Make sure you are warm before class begins
* Increase weight each set
* If new to the movement, work on hang power cleans
* 10 minute time cap

WOD “Partner Paradise”

With a partner complete the following, with a 30 minute time cap:

  • 2 rounds for time:
  • 40 Thrusters – 45lb/65lb
  • 10 Strict Pull-ups
  • 40 Box Jumps – 20″/24″
  • 10 Strict Pull-ups
  • 40 Switch Lunges

* Each partner must complete all the reps
* Both partners must complete all the reps before moving to the next station
* One partner working at a time
* You can break up the reps how needed, for example Partner 1 does 10 thrusters, partner 2 does 10 thrusters x 4 and then move to the next exercise
* Partners can assist each other on the pullups

Zone 3 – scale 40 rep exercises to 20
Zone 2 – scale to assisted pullups, scale box height as needed, scale switch lunges to walking lunges
Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash Out – Full body foam roll from head to toe. Show your whole body some well needed love!



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