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Saturday Team Time!

Image courtesy of ShareTV

Hope everyone has some nice relaxing weekend plans!  Just make sure they include some time with your fave team members at The Zone. 😉

Today’s Workout

Buy In –  Group warmup with dynamic animal movements 😉

WOD –  “Team Med ball run

5 Rounds for time:
200M run with Med ball (14lb/20lb)

* Partner 1 runs while partner 2 rests
* Both partners must complete 5 rounds each

Zone 2 – scale wall ball to 10lbs/14lbs
Zone 1 – scale workout as needed

Then: 8 alternating Intervals of:

Handstand Pushups
Double unders

Zone 2 – push press or pushups & single skips
Zone 1 – scale as needed

* You will have to move fast between exercises *

Cash Out – MWOD
* Couch stretch – 1-2 minutes per leg
* Calf stretch – 1-2 minutes per leg
* Roll out IT bands with lacrosse ball or foam roller


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