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Taking On The Tahoe Rim Trail

(Here’s a video preview of the Diamond Peak 30 mile/ 80 mile Tahoe climb, posted by second place elite runner Bob Shebest.)

I’m sure that many of you already know that our two Ultra-Marathoner’s, Rob Mackay and Donald Peterson, recently headed down to Lake Tahoe to compete in the Tahoe Rim Trail 100-mile race.  Now, I already had an un-shakeable and awe-like respect for these two.  But after reading both of their posts on the experience, I am gob-smacked at their dedication, perseverance, and ability to withstand crippling mental and physical pain.  Let’s honour their efforts by taking a closer look at their experiences.

Here is a snippet from Rob Mackay’s blog post. To read the whole, fascinating tale, click here:

Initially I told people that this would be a memorial run for my Dad (and to celebrate turning 40) – I was reminded of this when I got back to work on Monday. As the weeks passed, however, I became crazier (as we all do) and locked in. Even with the craziness it was unrealistic to believe that I could ‘hammer’ this course considering my preparation but I wasn’t really listening to anyone. With the long delay between races, I get blinders on…At one point, Coach said that he wished I could have put in more training for this event but I was thinking, 1) I’m fit, 2) I’ve done what I can and, 3) 100 miler is really only 2 X 50 milers, I’ll be fine.

Before we went down and after looking at the results from previous years, the BIG question that kept rattling through my brain was, “Why are these times so slow?” Compared to Western States they seemed 2-3 hours slower overall (even for the same racers) and it just didn’t make sense. Yes, there are nasty climbs and descents. Yes, you are between 7000 and 9000ft. Yes, it is scorching hot. So what? I learned the answer the hard way at 40km.”

Here is a peek at Donald Peterson’s account of the experience. To read his post in its entirety, click here:

50 Mile to Hobart – RFP
Coming into the 50-Mile aid station I didn’t see either Krista or Tori and started to feel a little defeated but then as I was heading towards the medical check-in Tori ran up with a big smile on her face (what a wonderful sight!) and let me know that Krista was still out on the course with Packman and that he was not feeling too well. Krista got back just as I got done with the med check, my weight, pulse and blood pressure were all good. The girls took care of me! They were full of TLC; a cold wash clothe, a fresh shirt, shoes, socks, some Traumeel on my calves and around my knees, a plate of food, and some drinks. I was now feeling pretty good, the quick visit with Tori and Krista was a super boost. I headed out for my second loop of the course feeling wonderful and with Krista coming along I had some company for the first few miles. As we chatted Krista let me know that Packman was having a rough day, feeling sick, not able to hold much down and was hoping that I’d catch up to him – I wasn’t too sure about that. After Krista turned back I kept the pace steady, power-hiking the hills and cruising, as best I could, the downs and flats. My mantra for this section was “Relentless Forward Progress” and other than the pit stop I had to take at the outhouse by Marlette Lake I kept with it all the way to Hobart.

Hobart to Tunnel Creek #2 – Bro!
As I neared Hobart I could see a couple of runners seated in the aid station and one of them started looking more and more familiar as I got closer – Packman! He was bundled up in one of the volunteers jackets and wasn’t looking super. I was excited, and worried, to see him and hoped that he’d be able to go on. We chatted some as I took advantage of the aid station and got some food and a refuel for the Nathan and he was up to pushing on so we left Hobart together. The climb out of Hobart was a solid power-hike and then on the other side we were able to fall into a slow cruise with both of us not feeling too bad. It felt great to be running with my Bro!

We love you, Rob and Donald!  You inspire us all to keep on pushing.  “Relentless Forward Progress” is a good motto for all of us to keep.  Way to represent in Tahoe!

Today’s Workout:

Buy-in: dynamic warmup, coaches’ choice (can include any implements in the gym)

WOD:  Frogger

This WOD has two parts:

  1. Front Squat 6 x 3 – at least 4 of these sets should be over 80% of your 1RM.  If you don’t know your 1RM, then ramp up over the six sets to a heavy triple.
  2. AMRAP in 8 minutes of:  200m row, 10 up-and-over burpee box jumps (perform a burpee and on the “jump” portion, jump up on top of, then over, a 20″/24″ box.  landing on the far side completes your first rep.  Do another burpee on that side of the box, jump up and over to get your second rep.  You don’t have to come to full extension on the box, just get up and over it!

Add the highest weight you used on the front squats to the total metres traveled plus burpees completed in the AMRAP for your score.

Zone 2 – scale height of box as needed

Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash-out: Foam roll

There will be a Gymnastics class tonight at 7:30.  See you there!


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