Just a note to let you know that we apologize for the technical difficulties we’re experiencing with our website at the moment. Over the last few days, we have been in the process of switching over to a new web hosting company! Unfortunately, with the changes, it has caused some disruptions in the functions of the website as well as the crossfitzone.ca email accounts.
Some of the blips you might notice include a lack of properly displayed blog post images, videos, website navigation and the comment section appearing to be disabled. We also would like to apologize for any emails that were bounced back to you. If you have not heard back from an email you sent over the last 4 days, please resend it, as the emails are all back to working order.
And take heart, as all will be right again soon! Thanks for your patience. 🙂
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 5 min dynamic movement, coach led
Technical WOD: Gymnastics prep
- 30 min of work on specific gymnastics skills – mix and match as needed, no need to finish all reps of one before moving on
- Work in partners for handstands – coaches ensure proper spotting technique
1. Handstand Practice – your choice of 30 handstand pushups (modified as needed) or 3 min accumulated time of handstand holds (against wall)
2. Pistol Practice – work on progressions to a full pistol – 30 reps total (15/leg)
- squat to box or use a band if you can’t complete a regular pistol
- increase difficulty by holding weights overhead or otherwise if your pistols are strong
3. Ring support Practice – accumulate 3 minutes of time in support
- play with short holds with hands on sides to start
- bring in knee and leg raises, turnouts
- if proficient, try body swings (small) – no inverted holds
Cash-Out: “The Goblin” – 5 rounds of 10 kettlebell swings, 10 goblet squats (no pause at bottom) for time