Hey Gang,
Another technique week has come and gone and we’d like to know your feedback! Again, in the long run we are looking to help you attain higher fitness levels through increased efficiency and also by allowing your body to rest from time to time. Next week we will be back into some heavy work, featuring some pretty solid metcon challenges so look forward to that!
Also remember to check the whiteboard for important upcoming events:
- This weekend: Foundations Seminar (9-1130am on Sunday)
- December 11: 24 hour Treadathlon for MS
- December 17: CF Zone Christmas Party ($20 tickets, no HST, cash or check in the office)
- Deceber 18: Mistletoe Gala
Today’s Workout
Buy-in – Grab a partner, any partner! You can have two separate bars for this workout.
WOD: Partner Nancy
This is 5 rounds (each) for time of:
- 200m run
- 8 overhead squats (65/95)
- The format goes as follows: Partner 1 runs 200m then partner 2 runs 200m. Partner 1 does 8 overhead squats, then partner 2 does 8 overhead squats. Repeat for 5 total cycles to get your time!
Zone 3 – scale to 45/65
Zone 2 – scale to 35/55
Zone 1 – scale as needed!
Cash-out – Group stretchies