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Technique Week Feedback


Hey Team!

So we’ve just made it through our first Technique Week with the focus being on honing skill in a variety of movements while also allowing our bodies to recover a bit by dropping intensity.  From what I saw in the classes early in the week, some good improvements were made in the cleans and presses, and I’m sure that continued through the squats, snatches, and miscellaneous exercises that we had on Friday.

Some members have given us feedback already about the Technique Week, but we’d like to hear more!  So feel free to use the comments section to discuss the pro’s and con’s.   You can also submit your thoughts using the comments box on the table by the sign-in computer.

Cam and Dee

Today’s Workout

Buy – in Select teams of 3.  Athletes should be of around same strength level.  Then, generate team names!

*Coaches – get athletes to group by the weight they think they will use in the WOD, then select teams of three from those groupings.*

WOD – “Team Intensity”

Bar weights for teams (stay the same for parts 1 and 2):


Zone 365/95

Zone 245/65

Zone 1scaled as needed

*If teams are of mixed Zones, 2 bars will be allowed as long as there are enough bars, otherwise teams must change weights in the rest interval*

Part 1 – AMRAP overhead squat in 30 sec

  • Each team member will have 3 rounds of 30 sec for the AMRAP, with lowest reps achieved in any one interval of 30 sec being their contribution to the score
  • Each attempt will be separated by 60 sec rest (i.e. as the other two team members go).
  • Order will be:  Team member 1 – 30 sec on, 60 sec break. Team member 2 – 30 sec on, 60 sec break.  Team member 3 – 30 sec on, 60 sec break. Then repeat (3 total rounds).

Rest 5 min

Part 2 – AMRAP clean and jerk in 30 sec. (Must be 2 movements, but can be power clean – push press, etc.)

  • Same sequence as above, same scoring.

Rest 5 min

Part 3 – AMRAP burpees in 30 sec

  • Same sequence as above, same scoring. Hips must open fully at top of movement

Cash-Out:  Team 800m jog, then enjoy the weekend!!


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