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Thoughts on Regionals

Photo credit – Caragh Camera

I want to thank everyone who made the trip over to cheer us on as well as those who were there in spirit, patiently waiting for Facebook updates. I really can’t put into words how awesome it is to look up and see everyone cheering you on. It motivated me to push beyond what I thought I could do and really demonstrated the incredible family we have here at the Zone.  This was my first regionals and there were a few nervous moments beforehand, but everyone’s encouragement and positivity made it a really enjoyable event.  As I said before at our thank you BBQ, we sent 8 athletes to Vancouver but really, everyone was out there with us.  Thank you so much for being part of the team, I can’t wait to see what is in store for us next year!

~ Sean


I felt very privileged to compete as a Zoner in the Crossfit Canada West Regionals and to represent Crossfit Zone. It was a great first experience, with a lot of lessons learned. It was truly inspiring to be surrounded by so many good and dedicated crossfitters. I have never considered myself as an athlete until that event. I realized that all those hours spent in the gym and all the lifestyle sacrifices made paid off! I have no regrets of having dedicated these 6-months off to CrossFit training, to have delayed my work position, and to have invested so much in treatments with Dr. Salmon to help me go through the training. I am so excited to go back to training and get stronger for 2014!

Sunday, on the ferry, I started to write my lessons learned from the Regionals. I have included it below.

Lessons learned from Crossfit Regionals:

– rehearse the WoDs as is with the team beforehand more than once

– be ready to change the order of people according to people’s soreness, fatigue / or injury

– do not underestimate what you can do during the events while not hoping for miracles

– have a plan to properly warmup and rehearse the movements for each WoD before the event

– do the WoDs with the exact same equipment used in rehearsing

– designate a team captain who will be responsible to get the team together and to elaborate a smart training schedule for the team according to the Regionals WoDs





Open gym:

  • 10:30am – 12:15pm (downtown)
  • Coaches if you are around in the afternoon, please post to the comments



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